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Martell and creators Guys Next Door partner on 'The Black History Month Experience' which drives 130% purchase uplift among listeners

Campaign info
Brand vertical
Purchase consideration
Flight dates
1-10-22 -to 3-31-22
Ad formats
Branded podcast, sponsorship
Campaign info
Brand Vertical
Purchase consideration
Flight dates
1-10-22 -to 3-31-22
Ad formats
Branded podcast, sponsorship

Ulta Beauty saw a 95% uplift in brand awareness after creating a branded podcast with us


purchase uplift


purchase consideration

The brief

Martell came to Acast seeking to bring its existing platform into the audio space in an authentic and credible way, in order to increase purchase consideration among their target audience.

What we did

Martell and Acast Creative produced a four-part series with creators Guys Next Door - with guests from all areas: music, fashion, comedy and entrepreneurial experts, knowing that this would resonate with the audience. Acast also recommended additional sponsorship reads across Acast Creator Network Black Voices shows like Naked Beauty and Bachelors In the City, to ensure maximum reach.

The result

The campaign was very successful, achieving 258% uplift in Black-identified listeners choosing Martell over competitor cognac brands after exposure to the branded series, as well as a 130% overall lift in listeners choosing Martell over competitor cognac brands after exposure to the branded series. There was also strong engagement, with 80.75% average listen-through rate to each episode, showing fantastic engagement for what was additional content created especially for the brand.

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