Stand out from the crowd and start podcast advertising
With our self-serve advertising platform, you can share your message to millions of listeners on every app across thousands of shows only available through Acast. Book host-read sponsorships or use pre-recorded ads to reach your perfect podcast audience.
Grow your business with podcast ads
of listeners say they have discovered a small or medium business through podcasts before seeing them on brand or retailer websites.
of listeners have higher trust in small or medium businesses they’ve heard on a podcast compared to social media.
of listeners who have come across small or medium business content while listening to a podcast have gone on to make a purchase.
Crush your client's objectives with podcast ads
mean incremental reach of adding podcast advertising to varied types of media
higher return-on-investment than any other marketing channel (Annalect)
of listeners have taken action as a result of podcast advertising (Attest)
Your target audience awaits
Reach your ideal customers with targeting tools that get your message heard by the most relevant audience
Select the podcasts you would like your pre-recorded ads to play on, only available on Acast.
Narrow down your audience using age, gender, location, and language
Reach listeners based on the genres they listen to, with thousands of podcasts available in each category
Target by behavioral and interest data using Nielsen Audience Segments. Includes over 50 custom segments such as business leaders, high income earners, and parents. Available in US/CA/AU only
Browse and buy host-read sponsorships, from major creators to niche shows with engaged audiences
Learn more“As a local, independent business we were looking for an efficient and effective way to tell our target market about our latest products. Podcast listening in Ireland is booming – we’re big fans ourselves – so to find that Acast has created an easy-to-use platform for realistic marketing budgets like ours is brilliant,”
Hazel McCarthy, Owner of Toy Corner
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Join the thousands of advertisers who already reach millions of listeners across our 125,000 exclusive shows